Ozone Sauna

Ozon Sauna

The infrared rays in the Far Infrared steam ozone sauna are in the same wavelength that penetrates under the skin, just like sunlight. These rays support the health and development of living cells. During this heating process, blood flow accelerates and increases the formation of new cells, helping to get rid of disease-causing microbes.

Far infrared rays penetrate deep into the tissue, creating a vibration. This vibration ensures that the toxins stored in the fat cells are removed. These rays activate the water molecules. It acts by penetrating through the pores opened in ozone. The deeply heated body burns fat rapidly with ozone absorption. It breaks the fat cells by affecting the skin up to 3-5 cm below. It has seven times more toxin removal effect than a classical sauna.

Benefits of Ozone Sauna Working with Far Infrared Rays;

  • It increases the beauty of the skin by sweating.
  • It helps blood circulation with enlarged capillary channels.
  • It accelerates the subcutaneous circulation with ozone absorption.
  • It increases toxin excretion by eliminating heavy metals.
  • It has pain relieving muscle relaxant properties.
  • It strengthens the digestive function.
  • It expands capillaries and accelerates blood circulation.
  • Provides optimum humidity to maintain body temperature.
  • It maintains the nutritional balance.
  • It helps to relieve stress.