Vitamin Injection (Mesolift) for Spot Removal

Vitamin Injection (Mesolift) for Spot Removal

In today’s world, it is possible to benefit from many advanced technologies to eliminate the traces left by time and the sun on our skin. Mesolift, used for wrinkles and sagging on the skin, is one of the most natural and practical methods among these techniques.

Mesolift literally means “skin tightening.” With Mesolift, applications based on anti-aging or filling substances to eliminate wrinkles are performed.

In addition to addressing the effects of aging on the face, neck, décolletage, and back of hands, Mesolift also helps regenerate skin damaged by smoking and alcohol. It has a particularly significant healing effect on individuals over middle age, smokers, those exposed to harmful effects of the sun, individuals with damaged and neglected skin, those who do not pay attention to their nutrition, and individuals with complaints such as dryness or sagging. However, regular Mesolift application before the signs of skin damage, before wrinkles and lines appear, will make the skin look younger, vibrant, and healthier than it actually is.

Mesolift can be performed manually or using a gun system that can reach up to 200 injections per minute, with adjustable depth and pressure. In the initial stage of the treatment, after a professional skin cleansing, local anesthesia is achieved with the help of a cream. Then, a cocktail consisting of various beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin. Mesolift treatment, which significantly reduces signs of aging in women and men aged 30 and above, can be applied with different protocols. The frequency of the sessions may vary depending on the individual, starting with 2 or 3 sessions at a 10-15-day interval, followed by once a month for a total of 6 sessions, or directly as a single session every 1-2 months. The expected effects are initially a “luminous, vibrant face,” followed by a “meso-lifting effect” that lifts the middle layer, and finally the “filling effect” that reduces wrinkles. As the number of sessions increases, the filling effect becomes permanent. After Mesolift sessions, it is generally recommended to avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, not wash the treated areas for a few hours, and refrain from applying any creams or lotions with a high risk of irritation.